Dear B, It's been 3 years now since my last post for you. Today, I want you to remember this verse " Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:6-7 hey B, I want you to humble yourselves. You are truly a man with knowledge and therefore believe in your self and keep it humble. Too many doubts, I know. In making decision for your future, for my future, for our future, yes together. but, I want us to put our relationship under God's mighty hand . so, don't worry! he may lift you up in due time. Everything we've been fighting for, everything we've been struggling for in this relationship, HE KNOWS :) his own time for us. hey B, I want you to cast all your anxiety on him. Your personal family problems, our personal problems, remember Jesus, don't stop believing, don't stop. he TRULY cares for you. and you ...
Hummingbirds are INDEED one of my favorite animal. They are beautiful, unique, small, scientifically interesting to learn and fun to draw! Huitzilopochtli Even, from the myth and culture side; THEY ARE SMALL YET MIGHTY. The Aztec god of war Huitzilopochtli is often depicted as a hummingbird. It was also believed that fallen warriors would return to earth as Hummingbirds and butterflies. The Nahuatl word huitzil (hummingbird) is an onomatopoeic word derived from the sounds of the hummingbird's wing-beasts and zooming flight (Wikipedia). According to Defender of Wildlife , here're some facts about Hummingbirds: BASIC FACTS ABOUT HUMMINGBIRD Hummingbirds are small, colorful birds with iridescent feathers. Their name comes from the fact that they flap their wings so fast (about 80 times per second) that they make a humming noise. Hummingbirds can fly right, left, up, down, backwards, and even upside down. They are also able to hover by fl...