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Charity for Student

Yayy! Back to blogging :)
so this few weeks I've been busy attending UPH Fest 21 and meeting lots of new friends.
Now I'm gonna answer my friends question about what charity cause and as a student what can we do?

Before that..
Our UPH Fest 21 theme was "Higher Calling" and talked so much about charity and services to other. And it got my heart. Well, like my previous blog, I have talked about charity a bit right? But I'm not that social guy who always helps people yet. Like I still have big ego and stuffs.

Well, you might think that serving Jesus or other is weird, like mostly for those who live in a big city. But I don't know why, I just feel that I want to change my attitude and start caring. Tbh, I don't know how to start, where to start, and when to start.

Talking about what charity cause is, charity absolutely will help others who needed. But what benefit will we get?
I don't know yet. Only you guys deep inside will find the benefit of it. If we speak generally yes charity will make us be a better person who care to other people and such and such. But do you know, so many rich people do charity for the wrong reason? So only you who can find what charity cause to you.

Second question, what can we do?
If you are really called to do charity, you can join your school or uni charity program. Like giving books or second handed clothes and such. Or perhaps you can show to people that you care from your act and attention. Start from the simplest things first.

This poster made me change my attitude now and will keep trying to change



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