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Hongkong Disney Land

Wohoo! Who doesn't like Disney Land?
These are the photos from my trip to Disney Land that I haven't uploaded yet :)

We rode a MRT to Disney Land from Hongkong. 
These are the Disney Land MRT 

Disney Land's MRT station!

Entering Disney Land


Lets buy the ticket!

And we're in :D

Lunch time!!!

it's a Sandwich! nom nom nom..

My favourite part from Disney Land was this marching band. I had two videos of they playing but I can't upload it! arrggh. 

and the parade...


Night time at Disney Land

The Famous Castle!

So these are some photos I took there. "SOME" haha I still got plenty tho. Plenty of selfie too cause I went with a friend and my cousin. And sorry for the bad image quality, I took the photos with my iPod 4 back then I haven't had my iPhone.



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