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My Holiday Tips

Hello again readers!
Since I love to travel a lot, and I'm on my so so long holiday. I'm going to post to you my Tips for filling up your holidays.
I manage to post some photos that I captured on my phone, and I'm not gonna post about going on a luxurious abroad holiday. Just a fun holiday with less budget. 

1. Reading Novels
    Do you love books? Do you love to read? Do you have pile of books that are never been touch?
    This is the time then! Use your holiday time to read more books. Reading books are so affective to kill your spare time so you will not gonna be bored on your holiday.
If you don't like reading, but you're willing to try, you should ask your self; "What do I like the most? "Do I like being in love?" "Do I like action stories" "Do I like zombies???" 
After you find the answer, you can start searching for the book with the topics you enjoy reading on. 

Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle
Do you want to know what I'm reading?
 I'm still reading "Let It Snow", it took me along time to finish this novel due to busy going-out-side holiday. This novel contains three romance story on one major place, but different perspective. A smart way to tell a story. You can find three different love story but you always can relate one each other.

2. Road Trip

    Another fun way to spend your holiday is going on a road trip! You can do this with your family, or your partner, or your best friend.
Before going on a road trip, what you need to prepare are:
 - The accommodation
 - Your budget
 - Your final destination spot
 - Someone to go with
 - What to bring
 - and other related stuff

You can choose driving on a high way road, or the country side

Tol Semarang - Bawen, Indonesia
Turi, Jogjakarta

Wether you want to go to a beach, or hills

Bayfront Villa, Teluk Awur, Jepara, Indonesia
Susan Spa & Ressort, Bandungan, Indonesia

And, where you want to spend your night at. Modern style hotel, or heritage style

Tentrem Hotel, Jogjakarta
The Phoenix Heritage Hotel, Jogjakarta

3. Food Hunting

    Don't you just love foods? I do!
The perfect holiday will be complete with some adventurous food hunting! *dum dum duummm*
If you're going on a culinary journey, you need to prepare some amount of money first. Because food these days are not so cheap. Then, find the store, restaurant, cafe, or street food that matches your heart haha.

Sate Kambing Muda, Blotongan, Salatiga

Ayam Goreng & Bakar JOYO, Salatiga

Bakerzin, Bandung

Madam Tan, Jogjakarta

Lunpia Gang Lombok, Semarang

Eastern Kopi Tiam, Tangerang, Banten
Soto 61, Malioboro, Jogjakarta

Tadaaaa! and those are some dishes that you might like.
You can also see more photos of dishes, places, or other exciting stuff  here (instagram)
but, before you can see my instagrams photos, you need to follow me first.

Happy holidays! :)



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